Premier African Minerals: what’s going on?
In the space of two weeks, certainty has once again leaked out of the company. Let’s break down that RNS. Premier African Minerals (LON: PREM) investors may have found the cure for anhidrosis — a life-threatening condition where the patient is unable to sweat, and therefore cannot maintain homeostasis. Unfortunately for shareholders, this is a […]

Kodal Minerals: what happens now?
The following part of the article was updated March 7, 2024: Kodal Minerals is rising once again — long term investors will now wait patiently. Here’s why. In the junior resource sector, there are a handful of simple investing ‘rules’ that are easy to follow. One of these is to buy shares in companies that […]

InvestingStrategy: The Lithium Edit
Everything you need to know about investing in small cap lithium stocks. I concentrate on London-listed companies with deposits in Africa — here’s why. Having spent significant amounts of time covering the African lithium stocks, I thought it might be time to bring the reasons why under one umbrella report. First though, a few important […]

Premier African Minerals: The Sting in the Tail
The deal is signed, and all cards are on the table. Here’s the good, the bad, and the intriguing. Here we go again. When the original deal between Premier African Minerals and Canmax ‘collapsed’ on 28 June 2023, it was clear to me that the two companies would eventually come to a new agreement — […]
Galileo Resources: rundown of the Kamativi Lithium Project
Galileo Resources, like Li3, may be undervalued by a risk-averse market. The best time to buy is often at the start of the story. Galileo Resources shares have fallen by just over 5% over the past five years — changing hands for 1.11p per share, down from 1.48p in April 2023. Galileo has its fingers […]
Li3 Lithium: Mutare Lithium Project in brief
If you missed the first Zimbabwe-based lithium boat, the good news is that more are queuing up at the harbour. Here we go again — you want lithium projects in Zimbabwe? I’ve covered everything that matters regarding the critical mineral in the country in detail here a few weeks ago, and explained in depth why […]
Atlantic Lithium results: everything you need to know
Atlantic Lithium may be behind several of its African peers, but the best investments are worth the wait. And I only invest long-term. Atlantic Lithium (LON: ALL) shares are the definition of volatility — spiking to 61.2p in April 2022 and falling to 23.11p today. The company has the rights to an exceptional lithium deposit, […]
Best lithium stocks: every single lithium company in my portfolio
From Andrada to AVZ, here’s a brief who’s who of small cap lithium mining. After all, diversification is the name of the game. While I spend a disproportionate amount of time covering the likes of Premier African Minerals and Kodal Minerals, the truth is that these get outsized coverage for reasons other than their excellent […]
Premier African Minerals: deal or no deal?
With the 10 day negotiation nearly over, can the relationship be saved? Read my view below. Having been about a month since I last covered PREM, there has been several developments — both positive and negative — that it may be helpful to summarise. As ever, the company remains a fascinating insight into high risk […]
Savannah Resources is issuing shares at almost no discount. The story is finally getting started.
Savannah Resources is coming into a news-rich period where the shares could well re-rate to a fairer value. But this is a multi-year investment. Savannah Resources (LON: SAV) shares are now up exactly 100% year-to-date to 4.50p. The European lithium ‘explorer’ owns 100% of the Barroso Lithium Project in Northern Portugal — and I suspect […]